Thursday, September 26, 2019

Schooling You

You've been thinking it for a while, how sometimes you aren't getting the full truth from me. and you aren't, if you want the whole truth from me, you need to click for me, you need to let go for me, you need to show me that you deserve my truth as you click it all away

Taking a Break

Work has been hounding you all week long, and you need to give in to a true goddess like me, you need to let go for a true goddess like me. and you need to relax. so let me show you how. let me guide you into a trance and help you take a break from life.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Wanting to give me so much more than usual? well I'm here to help you, I'm here to root for you, I'm here to guide you to the touchdown as you click click click all the way to the goal. Let me guide you to the finish line and click your strength away.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Poolside Learning

School may be over, but I can still teach you so much. I can still help you to be drained by me. I can still help you to fall for me. So I thought I'd be right here next to the pool and tease you out of everything as you let go of more for me.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


You all know why you're here, you want to be used. you want someone like me to drain you and take everything away from want me to make you feel completely helpless and you want me to drain everything you possibly have. You know if there is anything I'm not, it's Vanilla.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Mile High Club

You've always wished to join the mile high club, and with a goddess like me at your finger tips, wouldn't it just be a lost opportunity to click for me while flying so high. Imagine the thrill you could have giving in to me and letting go for me as you fly thruogh the air.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Double Drain

Every once in a while I like to give a little something back, and help you to be weaker even faster, so I invite a friend over, and have her help me drain you, not because I need the help at all, but becausee I know you won't be able to resist the allure.

Thursday, August 1, 2019


You've been fighting yourself too long. Trying to resist me for far too long. and you just need to give me more. because you'll always need to give in to your instincts as I become the one in control. You just need to give in to your urges, and click for me.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Get To Bed

look at my nice soft comfortable bed, It's calling out your name, and mine. Should we climb into it together? Should we lay togher and nap our worries away? and just be completely blissful laying next to each other as I encourage you to click for me?

Adventurous Draining

sometimes you need a real thrill, and what's more thrilling than letting go of your life and Just falling deeper for me. deeper into my trance, and deeper under my control. As you give me more and more. because you love the adrenaline rush of losing it all to a goddess.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Slimpy Workout

You're just so fat, aren't you? and you just love giving in to me. you just love letting go of so much for me, be prepared to work, and stretch yourself thin, just to make me happy. As I take away all the excess in your life, because you've clicked it all away

Thursday, July 4, 2019


Yo Ho sailors! It seems like you need to be shipped off to my wonderful control. so climb aboard and know that my control is what you will always truly ache for and you'll always ship off to as you give in to me and let go of everything for me.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Power Trio

you're looking awfully weak, like you need a true goddess to help you drink your life away, that's why Invited my friend over to help you drink more than ever, because you need a powerful push to truly let go of it all, and how better than three bikini clad goddesses.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Back in Time

Don't you sometimes wish you were back in the 60's? things seemed so much easier back then, but you don't know the full truth at all. Let me tell you and show you how the 60's may be your favorite decade ever to get lost in and dream about.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Drinking Elegantly

Let's face it, you're adrunk loser who will always drink for me. And clicks best when you drink for me, so grab your favorite liquor and get ready to drink as you click click click for me. because it' time to drink your worries away for me


I'm elevating my intelligence, and that makes you even weaker, especially compared to me. But then again I've always been too smart for my own good. I've always needed you to let go of more and more, which has been incredibly easy for me to make you do.