Thursday, September 26, 2019

Schooling You

You've been thinking it for a while, how sometimes you aren't getting the full truth from me. and you aren't, if you want the whole truth from me, you need to click for me, you need to let go for me, you need to show me that you deserve my truth as you click it all away

Taking a Break

Work has been hounding you all week long, and you need to give in to a true goddess like me, you need to let go for a true goddess like me. and you need to relax. so let me show you how. let me guide you into a trance and help you take a break from life.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Wanting to give me so much more than usual? well I'm here to help you, I'm here to root for you, I'm here to guide you to the touchdown as you click click click all the way to the goal. Let me guide you to the finish line and click your strength away.